Energy Medicine



Left Brain (David's) Definition:

 Conventional medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the biochemistry of cells, tissue, and organs.

 Energy Medicine, at its foundation, focuses on the energy fields of the body that organize and control the growth and repair of cells, tissue, and organs.

 Changing impaired energy patterns may be the most efficient, least invasive way to improve the vitality of organs, cells, and psyche.


“Our current paradigm of biology & medicine is still firmly entrenched in a mechanistic worldview that eschews such concepts as life energy, energy medicine, biofields, and the like, despite mounting evidence to the contrary, this is not science, this is dogmatism” EILEEN DAY Mc KUSICK


“In order to fully understand and advance energy medicine (healing), science will have to accept the currently taboo possibility that pervasive intelligence (consciousness) exists throughout the Universe”



“INFORMATION MEDICINE that changes disturbed information available in the biofield is going to be the future of medicine”

 Lynne Mc Taggart-The living matrix


BELIEVING IN GOD: “Since we have consciousness, it is not unlikely that consciousness-a greater consciousness than ours of course, is everywhere” MAUREEN LOCKART The famous researcher Max Planck was also convinced of this.


“We have crossed the bridge into a cosmology of interconnection where we understand that treating a vibrational imbalance in anyone person helps treat the imbalances in humankind-and in a very small way the entire universe” EILEEN DAY Mc KUSICK


"Energy Medicine brings you vitality when you are drained, health when you are ill, and joy when you are down."

Energy Medicine awakens energies that bring resilience, joy, and enthusiasm to your life – and greater vitality to your body, mind, and spirit! Balancing your energies balances your body's chemistry, regulates your hormones, helps you feel better, and helps you think better.

- Donna Eden

Energy Medicine is a holistic approach to mind, body, and soul healing. It is an evolutionary practice that recognizes the interconnectedness of our existence. Stress, trauma, and disease can all have an impact on our energy systems, which are vital to our physical well-being. Energy Medicine assists us in balancing these systems to achieve optimal health.

  • Energy Medicine is the practice of using energy fields to promote healing and well-being. 

These fields are composed of subtle, non-visible energetic forms found throughout the universe. They are said to have the ability to influence human health and well-being by stimulating specific organs and systems in the body to restore balance.

  • Energy Medicine's goal is to restore your body's natural ability to heal itself through self-healing processes that take place deeper than your conscious awareness. 

The ability to heal naturally depends obviously on the health of your cells and what you feed your body over time - good nutrition, clean water, exercise, and rest are all essential components of a healthy lifestyle!

Energy Medicine by Dr. Paul Drouin

What is Energy Medicine?

Energy Medicine is a word coined by three researchers who gathered in Boulder, Colorado, USA, in the late 1980s. It is defined as any energetic or informational interaction with a biological system to bring back homeostasis in the organism. At the core of all this is the concept of subtle energy, which seems to sustain and promote life processes in the biological system. Subtle Energy is another term used along with Energy Medicine. (1) 

Why is Quantum Physics so important to the recognition of Energy Medicine?

Quantum physics is absolutely essential to an in-depth understanding of Subtle Energy and its association with the notion of the Biofield. Concepts of energy such as life force, prana, chi, and the power of intention as the foundation for many of these therapies can only be deeply understood through some basic principles of quantum physics such as nonlocality, discontinuity, and entanglement, to name a few.


Through the principles of quantum physics, we can explain how ancient traditions of healing such as Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture, Ayurvedic Medicine, and modalities such as Homeopathy and Naturopathy work with the body’s subtle energy systems.  

Quantum physics allows the scientific recognition of Energy Medicine and at the same time the inclusion of many ancient and modern therapies relating to subtle energies in the select world of medicine where only pharmaceutics and surgery have been accepted.


In fact, most of these medicines that refer to what we call subtle energies have been disqualified by conventional medicine because they are considered to be non-scientific or are not taught in medical universities. The main point here is that the medical system refers to an outdated, linear, and deterministic Newtonian model of science to assess these therapies. This is akin to trying to understand multidimensionality from a two-dimensional perspective.

Quantum University’s mission during the last two decades has been to lay out an updated medical and natural medicine curriculum that includes the fundamental elements of quantum physics and neuroscience necessary to welcome Energy Medicine into the modern medicine of the 21st Century.



Shakespeare’s Hamle was right, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy"


The nature of reality is not just a subject for investigation by the physical sciences but the field of metaphysics, the study of what is BEHIND, BEYOND " normal" human sight in the physical world.
Metaphysics can include religious, philosophical and spiritual teachings and is often given other labels like "esotericism" and "occultism". Occult is a word that has been hijacked by misuse and confined in recent times to the realm of superstition, witchcraft and devilry. Its real meaning is used in astronomy to describe a celestial body, (e.g. a planet or moon) that is hidden BEHIND one that can be seen. Metaphysics seeks to explain what is hidden behind or beyond the physics of the "real" world and to explain what CAUSES the physics of this "real" world. To the esotericist or metaphysician, the discovery that atoms are just energy is hardly surprising since one of the fundamental ideas of metaphysics is that the manifested world (the world and universe of physical form) is in fact, nothing but ENERGY OF DIFFERENT DENSITIES AND QUALITIES. The solidity we humans perceive is the illusion that holds us prisoner but also enables us to make " sense" of the buzzing, sparking shifting energy that is our universe-the creation in which we "live and move and have our being"


Energy Medicine and Pro-Consciousness Medicine

‘Pro-Consciousness Medicine’ is the merging of quantum physics with energy medicine to heal the whole body by realizing and utilizing the power of consciousness.  

Dr. Amit Goswami, professor at Quantum University and a pioneer in quantum physics related to the art of healing, has opened the path of the exploration of Consciousness and medicine with his famous quote, “Consciousness is the ground of all being. “

Many teachers and collaborators at Quantum University have also been key in elaborating the concept of energy medicine in what we call ‘Pro-Consciousness Medicine’. Lynne McTaggart was one of the first to describe the reality of the Field, as well as to later elaborate the power of intention and its actualization through The Power of Eight. Others like Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joe Dispenza, and Gregg Baden have been pioneers in contributing to this notion. A new biology was born when Bruce Lipton revolutionized the old deterministic model of genetics, giving a higher priority to thoughts and emotions than to the power of genes.


Gregg Baden has permeated his teachings with the phenomenon of the observer changing the observed reality, as well as Joe Dispenza recognizing the placebo effect and the power to manifest a more creative new you.


Dr. Yury Kronn, a Russian physicist, precisely described how dark matter and dark energy relate to subtle energy, and Nassim Haramein‘s Unified Field Theory added another important piece to the puzzle of quantum physics and energy medicine. As I have written in previous blogs, it takes a collegiality of thinkers, researchers, and scientists to have the scale and audacity to shake the foundation of the dogma that has defined Western medicine.

Quantum University’s contribution was to create a comprehensive curriculum to be the foundation for Energy Medicine, ‘Pro-Consciousness Medicine’, and to introduce Pro-Consciousness Medicine as the pinnacle of the most important institution in our society: the “University.”


Why is the recognition of Pro-Consciousness Medicine so crucial? Without a scientific ground and academic recognition, there is no hope of integrating most complementary and alternative medicines into the current healthcare system and shifting from a model of medicine based on disease and symptoms to a model that addresses the root of the problem and is more focused on prevention.

As I wrote in my book Creative Integrative Medicine, “No one knows the price we are paying for an incomplete medical education.”


In 2019, healthcare spending for Americans reached $3.8 trillion, or an average of $11,582 per person.  From 2013-2015, the Complementary & Alternative Medicine Industry pulled in $186.7 billion to $199 billion globally.


Most of the time, we forget to include the cost of healthcare covered by private alternative and complementary care to the costs of these “Energy Medicines”.

First, limiting the monopoly of therapies to pharmaceutics and surgery is becoming unaffordable by any type of healthcare. Second, a vision of health based only on disease without including the concept of health potential is already doomed. A new curriculum of natural healing or medicine should also be integrating a new evaluation system that refers to health parameters based on digital medicine and a new ‘Wellness Doctor’ who coaches clients to achieve positive healthy lifestyle choices and greater brain and heart coherence. Quantum Health Coach (QHC) and Wellness Medicine, and Immersive Digital Medicine.


The socialization of healthcare is not the solution either. Rather, the solution is focused on how we practice medicine and on an integration of Pro-Consciousness Medicine and conventional medicine.

This new awareness has been translated into the booming Health and Wellness industry, which mostly focuses on alternative and natural approaches to health. Think about how many fitness centres’ or yoga classes are available in your community now, compared to only 10 years ago. Health coaches, nutritional consultants, and energy healers have sprung up all over the world and have created a new industry by addressing the growing need to treat and prevent illness in the body naturally.

Integration of the best of both medicines, conventional medicine and pro-consciousness medicine through what I call Integrative Quantum Medicine, which includes both medical and wellness doctors is the solution.


The CIA claims that our reality is basically a Hologram. You can understand it by saying, that our thoughts, actions, and our subconscious mind project out; which forms a conscious matrix, which then leads to a hologram of our dreams.

Directly from the document:


The universe is composed of interacting energy fields, some at rest and some in motion. It is, in and of itself, one gigantic hologram of unbelievable complexity. According to the theories of Karl Pribram, a neuroscientist at Stanford University, and David Bohm, a physicist at the University of London, the human mind is also a hologram which attunes itself to the universal hologram by the medium of energy exchange thereby deducing meaning and achieving the state which we call consciousness.

… matter and energy tend to be misleading if taken to indicate two distinctly different states of existence in the physical world that we know it. Indeed, if the term matter is taken to mean solid substance as opposed to energy which is understood to mean a force of some sort, then the use of the former is entirely misleading. Science now knows that both the electrons which spin in the energy field located around the nucleus of the atom and the nucleus itself are made up of nothing more that oscillating energy grids.


*Solid matter, in the strict construction of the term, simply does NOT exist. Rather, the  atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids which orbit at extraordinarily high speeds.

… the entire human being, brain, consciousness and all is, like the universe which surrounds him, nothing more or less than an extraordinarily complex system of energy fields. *

As energy passes through various aspects of the universal hologram and is perceived by the electrostatic fields which compromise the human mind, the holographic images being conveyed are projected upon those electrostatic fields of the mind and are perceived or understood to the extent that the electrostatic field is operating at a frequency and amplitude that can harmonize with and therefore “read” the energy carrier wave pattern passing through it.

As quantum physics has shown and what the CIA document confirms, there is no such thing as matter. Everything is light vibrating at specific frequencies. We as humans can only perceive less than 1% of the light and audio spectrum, therefore 99% of the universe around us is invisible.


 How to Master the Law of Attraction (Explained by the CIA)

Patterning: This technique involves the use of consciousness to achieve desired objectives in the physical, emotional, or intellectual sphere. It involves concentration on the desired objective while in a Focus 12 state, extension of the individual’s perception of that objective into the whole expanded consciousness, and its projection into the universe with the intention that the desired objective is already a matter of established achievement which is destined to be realized within the time frame specified.


This particular methodology is based on the belief that the thought patterns generated by our consciousness in a state of expanded awareness create holograms which represent the situation we desire to bring about and, in so doing, establish the basis for actual realization of that goal.

Once the thought-generated hologram of the sought after objective is established in the universe it becomes an aspect of reality which interacts with the universal hologram to bring about the desired objective which might not, under other circumstances, ever occur.

In other words, the technique of patterning recognizes the fact that since consciousness is the source of all reality, our thoughts have the power to influence the development of reality in time-space as it applies to us if those thoughts can be projected with adequate intensity.

What is our energy body?

Our energy body or etheric body is our transmitter and receiver of energies, it envelopes the physical body as well as interpenetrating it. It can be seen like a network of light, with threads travelling in all directions creating a meticulous grid. Where the threads meet and cross are the Nadis; points of energy made by the meetings of the threads which allow us to ‘read’ or sense how our energy body is. There are major and minor Nadis depending on how many threads cross. The major Nadis are known to us as the 7 physical chakras. These give the best information as to the health of our chakras as well as the surrounding areas of the body.


We then have the minor Nadis or energy points which are all over our body. For example, we have a liver minor energy point, a stomach minor, there are points behind the knees which help us with courage, minor points that sit on our adrenal glands that help us to dispel fear and many more. The body has a very intricate and advanced system of energy points that can be used together in different combinations to balance and realign our energy and entire being. The minor Nadis relay information to the major chakras much like how the nervous system works.

The Alta major is a minor chakra but with the importance and role of a major chakra. It even has its related gland known as the carotid gland which is only in the etheric at this point in time. More on this and it’s role later.

If you were to take a picture of the nervous system and put it next to a picture of the Nadis and energy body then you would see that one overlays the other almost identically. The energy body gains access to the physical body through the nervous system and works as a feedback system to the chakras just as the nervous system works as a feedback system from the body to the brain.



 Metaphysical therapists believe in treating the soul and overall well-being of a person. They also use spiritual principles as a part of a holistic approach to counseling. Metaphysical counseling is becoming more popular as time goes on. It can help with virtually anything, including limiting beliefs about life’s events.